


Received a sms from a good friend, asked me to comment in her blog, on an article posted. Wow, regarding wisdom of life some sort of that.
This afternoon visiting an old friend, with her new born baby girl. Chit-chatting. Talking about someone around us, who just broke off in a relationship. They started from being good friend, but now end with "no more friend".
Sometime I wonder, who is the right one for me either.
Good to have "hu ha" friend so that we can go out for fun together. Life is already so boring and we need time for fun.
Sometime we have to talk about work life. Someone to hear when we are grumbling. Someone to point out something we are unable to see.
Sometime we have to talk about wisdom of life, so that we can know whether the path of life we are looking is the same.
Sometime we have to talk about hobbies, the other interesting topics so that our life is still can full of excitement.
Moreover, above is never enough beside attraction and feeling.
Life is never so easy, especially in a relationship. It remind me a movie star by 刘若英. She prayed in front of her mother's grave, asked for a sign, a sign for his soul mate, her life partner. It is really touching.
Nowadays, time is never enough especially for a working lady as me. I enjoy spending time myself. I guess, the right one for me to appear, is the one who I wish to spend more time with him; is the one who I am willing to sacrifice my valuable time with him. My old friend has quoted me as such:


At 10/21/2008 10:19 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To have the long lasting friendship, needs bidirection communication from both parties. If only one side is putting the effort, then, this relationsip will break off one day.

At 10/25/2008 5:32 pm, Blogger dragonfly said...

agree with Guay Hong. It is not easy to be succeed in a relationship.


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